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The portal that deals with many topics from gossip, to sports, to health, cooking, fashion, psychology, sexuality, reviews and much more ...

Do you want to advertise your product, service or business starting from a minimum investment?

You can do it here!

Every day and every month you can be seen by thousands of people.

Four banner formats for your advertising and different placements, choose the one that best suits you and your business.

In addition to banners, we provide advertisers with other resources for your advertising:

Some info on Musa.News is a blog-magazine that talks about fashion, make-up, fashion, curiosity, natural remedies, lifestyle, shopping, psychology, cooking, sport, reviews, music, design, in short, all the beauty we have in Italy. He was born on October 30, 2017, after only the first month of life he already boasted respectable numbers.

Statistics March 2022:
Open sessions: 734.117
Unique users: 678.757
Pageviews: 851.047

As you can see from the screenshot below of Google Analytics of March 2022.


If you are interested in our advertising spaces, fill out the form below and we will be happy to contact you by email or phone to give you all the information you may require for your advertising on Musa.News.