Test: how much can you forgive his summer mistakes?

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"Summer wind, I'm going to the sea, what are you doing?", To take up the words of a well-known song: do you know what your he did during the holiday with friends? You fit into that large group of damsels dumped in June who receive the ritual message in September? OR you discovered things What would I have preferred not to know? We don't know how it's possible, it will be the air of freedom, but easily i our "him" do something during the summer which requires our forgiveness, just a few drinks in excess. First take the test on the topic, watch this video, it might help you:

Test: how much can you forgive his summer mistakes?

Forgiveness takes courage, but sometimes it's really impossible. If he let you down, betrayed, offended, left with a request for forgiveness etc ... and for the new season she asks you for a new chance, you, you are ready to forgive and to start from scratch? Take our quiz and find out with us, here:

Arrives a new autumn: how are you going to face it? Take our test and find out now!

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See also:

Test: is she a true friend or does she really envy you?

Test: how much do you think about yourself after the holidays?

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