Shut up (and don't let it escape)! 6 spicy curiosities you must never reveal to him

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When you love your mate, you happen to have a strong desire to share everything with him. For the good of the couple, on the other hand, to let our man "breathe", without suffocating him, it is important to know how to share only certain things with him and not everything. We avoid making man participate in our every action or decision, because we must remember that our partner is not our best friend to whom we necessarily say everything. Here are the tips on the things not to say to your partner, for a peaceful and longer life together.

1. Never reveal the secret passwords of your e-mail address and social network profiles, to avoid unnecessary discussions, sometimes a comment from a friend is enough to make your partner jealous.

2. Do not be totally honest about what you think about his family and friends, if there is any attitude of these people that you do not like, do not tell him, because maybe in the future, your thoughts can also become a bomb clockwork

3. You must never tell him the secrets of your friends, first of all because he is not fair towards them and secondly because if your boy whispers something to someone, you risk losing the trust of friends.

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4. Do not disclose the number of your adventures. It is a conversation topic that usually arises between partners but it is better to change the subject or give a vague answer.

5. Don't tell anecdotes about yours. Once again, positive comments can have the opposite effect. And remember not to make comparisons with your current partner.

6. Your opinion of his mother. Relationships with mothers-in-law may or may not be complicated, but you must never put your partner in the situation of having to choose between his mother and you, the result will not be pleasant.

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