Signs of the Earth: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

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However much criticism they may encounter, astrology andhoroscope they cannot fail to fascinate. For those who believe in the influence of the stars in our life, identify four categories of signs of the Zodiac that are based on the natural elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The sign del is part of the second group Toroand Virgin and Capricorn, which have common characteristics between them. Like those ofWater, are part of the signs called "passive" and of female matrix, inclined to inner dialogue and to reflection.

In the Zodiac, the natural element of Terra is associated with the solidity and stability, as well as to resistance and common sense. This is because it turns out to be the richest in matter, which leads it to become a symbol of femininity e fertility. Belonging to the concrete world, all these signs are endowed with a strong pragmatism and they never lose sight of their goals. Often referred to as "cold", each Earth sign hides a sweet and sensitive soul, which reveals over time. In love they seek security and tranquility, but also passion.

In this article, we reveal the main characteristics of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, including theirs strengths, defects e affinities with other signs. If you want to get deeper into the world of astrology and horoscope, watch this short video: did you know that every zodiac sign has a Precious stone who helps and protects him?


All those people who celebrate their birthday between are of the sign of Taurus on April 21 and May 20. The Earth that characterizes Taurus is defined as "fertile“, Because it is influenced by the season and the climate spring . This explains thethe energy that distinguishes the almost inexhaustible and constant sign and his maternal and protective side towards those who love. It is ruled by the planet Venus, symbol of beauty and love.

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Benefits: stubborn and determined, the Taurus are brave and have an incredible fortitude, always ready to fight to make their dreams come true. In addition, they are famous for theirs infinite patience and sweetness towards the neighbor, together with the strong sense of friendship and love, for which they establish long and lasting bonds. They have a good aesthetic taste.

Defects: although they love to travel, at home, in everyday life, they are too sedentary and routine. The visceral love they feel for their partner can lead them to be extremely jealous and possessive, lacking self-criticism in discussions.

Affinity with other signs: like the other signs of the Earth, the Taurus gets along very well, both in couple and in friendship, with the Water signs, especially with the Scorpio. It also establishes lasting relationships with the Cancer, Virgin, Balance, with whom he shares the ruling planet, Venus, and a taste for the aesthetic and material pleasures of life.

To be avoided: the signs of Fire, especially Leo, Gemini and Aquarius.

Precious stone: Emerald.

Metal: copper.

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It is the sign of Virgo who was born between on 24 August and 22 September. Virgo is characterized by the Earth in late summer, a transition phase from one season to another, and for this reason it is called "mobile devices". In the Zodiac, it comes immediately after the grandiloquent sign of Leo and is in opposition to it, being the symbol of theself control and • innovative business organization based on the use of technologies and digitalization of internal and external processes, as well as the active and continued promotion of the services we offer through business development, marketing and communication systems (letter "I" of our logo actually stands for "Innovation");. It is directly influenced by Mercury, planet ofintellect and of the pure reason.

Benefits: calm and thoughtful, those born under the sign of Virgo are a lot sensitive e reserved. They love to observe who and what surrounds them and they are gods very good friends, equipped with a altruism unparalleled and great listening skills. Besides, they are people orderly and methodical, with a great sense of duty and work.

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Defects: their rigor and precision in the organization leads them to be almost obsessed with perfection and attention to detail, resulting excessively meticulous. They frequently tend to melancholy and victimhood.

Affinity with other signs: with the signs of Water a perfect understanding can be born at the level of the couple, especially with Cancer and Scorpio. Virgo also gets along very well with the other signs of the Earth, while with those ofAria there is a strong sexual understanding, especially with i Gemelli.

To avoid: Aries, Leo and Aquarius.

Precious stone: agate.

Metal: aluminum.

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Those born are of the sign of Capricorn 22 20 from December to January. The natural element of this sign is an Earth "fixed“, Winter, freezing, which however protects all that it will sprout in spring. This is why it is associated with both stable energy and with maternal female figure, who holds the offspring in her womb. The planet that affects Capricorn is Saturn, symbol of logic and reason.

Benefits: prudent and thoughtful, Capricorns are people sensitive, very responsible but also determine yourself, who do their utmost to achieve their goals in the best possible way. This is why they are retained reliable at work and beyond. Given their privacy, it is not easy to join their circle of friends, but when you do they are nice and loyal, as well as in love.

Defects: extreme confidentiality leads them to result cold at the first meeting and they often say your opinion without reflecting, risking hurting others. It is found in Capricorns distrust and a certain pessimism.

Affinity with other signs: unlike the other two Earth signs, Capricorn turns out to be more shy and therefore, both in pairs and not, it binds perfectly only with the signs of Water, especially with the Cancer, its opposite sign, ei Fishes, able to break down its barriers. Also good tune with Taurus and Virgo.

To avoid: all the signs of Air and Fire, especially Aquarius, Aries and Leo.

Precious stone: black opal.

Metal: lead.

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The ideal cat for every zodiac sign© iStock


The perfect cats for the Aries sign are ...© iStock


Maine Coon© iStock


British Shorthair© iStock


The ideal cats for the sign of Taurus are ...© iStock


Angora© iStock


The white cat© iStock


Cats for those born under the sign of Gemini are ...© iStock


Siamese© iStock


The brindle cat© iStock

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