Resilience: what it is and how to improve this ability

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There are some words and ideas that we can say become "fashionable"Overnight. Maybe we hadn't heard of it until recently and then, all of a sudden, the people around us, the medium and social that we exploit in our daily lives begin to use that term whose true meaning is often overlooked. It falls into this category the concept of "resilience", applicable to various areas, including that of psychology.

Today we will find out what exactly resilience is, when it manifests itself, what are its features and how we can improve this ability in the life of each of us.

What does "resilience" mean

The term "Resilience"Comes from the Latin"resilate", that is to say "bounce","jump back". Generally, this word indicates the ability of a system to adapt to change. For this reason it should not be confused with a similar term but with a different meaning, that of resistance. Indeed, the latter is the action with which you try to effectively counteract the occurrence of certain effects. Resilience, on the other hand, it does not resist a bump, to an event or circumstance, but he sees adaptation or damping compared to them.

As you can guess, the concept of resilience is applied to many scientific and non-scientific branches. For example, we talk about resilience in the field ofengineering,informaticsand biology and even del risk management, where being resilient coincides with the intrinsic capacity of a system of modify its operation before, during and following a change. However, here we will be looking at resilience in psychology, where it can be defined as the ability to deal positively with traumatic events, adversity and problems.

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The characteristics of resilient people

So, in psychology, resilience coincides with the ability to react positively to trauma or a stressful situation, knowing how to re-organize one's life with dexterity without letting yourself get down. Resilient people they face difficulties by exploiting them to grasp the new opportunities and give a different impetus to their very existence. According to this definition, resilience may seem like a power similar to that of the superheroes we grew up with as children, but perhaps it will surprise you to know that this ability it is in each of us and we use it even when we are least aware of it, at least in part.

However, there are individuals who in the course of life are more successful than others in encouraging this faculty and show the following features:

  • Positivity and optimism: who is resilient is also particularly optimistic and proactive against the changes and, in general, of life.
  • Large capacity of teamwork: the resilient know work very well in a team, especially as coordinators. In fact, theirs flexibility with respect to the unexpected it allows him to juggle in cases of adversity in an agile and dynamic way.
  • Commitment: a person's resilience is also revealed in the will of get involved in different activities, without taking a passive attitude.
  • Endowed with problem solving: in addition to commitment, those who are resilient stand out for their ability to solve problems. Every obstacle that runs into its path is used as an opportunity. Thus, the problems are no longer impediments but occasions.
  • Appreciation for challenges: whether it is the world of work or private or social life, being resilient shows itself substantially in the willingness to accept changes not experiencing them as problematic.


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Resilience does not mean imperturbability

In reading for the first time the characteristics of resilient individuals and how this talent shows on the outside, one might mistakenly think that these people are unscratchable and imperturbable from any event that happens to them. It is not so. Having a high level of resilience does not mean not experiencing the stresses and obstacles of life on your own skin and, in the same way, it does not make you immune from sadness, from psycho-physical pain and from other negative emotions. However, being resilient means having that inner strength as well those tools necessary to face them in times of need, without being overwhelmed by them.

Also, resilience it is not a fixed and immutable capacity in the personality of each of us. Indeed, it involves a number of attitudes that can be learned and developed to be able to exercise it to the fullest.


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Factors that can incentivize or decrease resilience

Various psychology studies have shown that there are factors that can increase or decrease the level of resilience of each individual. The former are said protective factors, while the latter those of risk.

I protective factors, also defined as "development factors", are numerous and concern different areas of a person's life. Among them there are good self-esteem, a high level of self-control and sensitivity, grow peacefully in the family environment e enjoy social support, or that support that comes from the people most dear to us.

As regards the risk factors, they make the individual more vulnerable and their ability to bear pain, stress and the effects of anxiety and pressure decrease. They are closely related to the period when you were a child, in the years of childhood and adolescence. Risk factors are those related to emotional sphere, as low self-esteem or isolation compared to others, and those connected tofamily atmosphere, for example poor relationship with parents or conflicts within the family itself.


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How to improve your resilience

We have said how a development and an incentive of resilience in the life of every person is possible. To do this, you have to start putting in place a series of behaviors that favor this adaptation to change is that propensity to exploit positively everything that usually appears to us as negative.

First, experts advise to focus on your values. To do this, you have to start from an assumption: what is really important to you? What kind of person do you want to be? Once these two aspects are clarified, then you can use the resulting values ​​to juggle the unpredictability of life.

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Another technique that is useful is that of mindfulness and meditation. By practicing these exercises, you can develop a better knowledge of yourself and your mind and you can learn to control your automatic reactions, your thoughts and your emotions depending on the occasion.

Finally, pay more attention to what is already positive in your life and don't be discouraged in the face of adversity or situations that you cannot change. We are used to being on the "in command" and choosing what we like or not: we personalize anything according to our mood or our tastes, but we cannot do it for all aspects of existence. Sometimes it is necessary to face reality and accepting events or circumstances that are completely beyond our control. The solution? Stop and observe all the other positive things that remain, despite that pain or disappointment. This it doesn't mean giving up or throwing in the towel: it is simply a way to do not cause additional stress about an immutable situation.


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The best phrases about resilience

Finally, we have collected the most beautiful phrases of psychologists and great authors of the present and the past on resilience.

Resilience is not only the desire to survive at all costs, but also the ability to use the experience gained in difficult situations to build the future.
Andrea Fontana

Difficulties break some men, but strengthen others.
Nelson Mandela

For the resilient person, any defeat, even if it inevitably generates frustration, is seen as an opportunity to learn and improve.
Peter Trabucchi

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The world breaks us all, but only a few become stronger where they were broken.
Ernest Hemingway


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Resilience is not fixity, but dialectical movement. Resilience means jumping back, in order to take a run and, with momentum, overcome the obstacle.
Francis Botturi

Failure is a part of our life. Success teaches you nothing, but failure teaches you resilience. It teaches you to take yourself and try again.
Sarah Morgan

Inner strength is the most powerful protection you have. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your happiness.
Dalai Lama

Whoever has a strong enough why can overcome any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A good half of the art of living is resilience.
Alain de Botton

Source article: Alfeminile

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