Who are the givers of positive energy?

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Have you ever been with someone who seems to radiate a light that puts everyone around in a good mood?

And in the same way: have you ever spent time with someone so unhappy, who seems to give off such negative vibes, to the point of sucking up the happiness of everyone around him?

Vampires or energy donors?

In addition to energy vampires, there are givers of positive energy; each of us, even if unconsciously, emanates an energy, which can be positive or negative: the contact with another person creates as two poles that can be attracted or removed.

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It is not necessary to have paranormal powers to perceive the positive or negative energy emitted by other people, it is a very real form of energy.

For further information, I recommend reading the article Thieves of energy: "Conscious ergetic vampires and unaware vampires"

Did something happen that made you happy, optimistic, productive and healthy? You have probably been infected with a positive energy donor.

Research has shown that a good charge of positive energy helps not only psychological but also physical healing. People are inspired to make good choices when they see others around them doing the same

Who are the givers of positive energy?

They are people who, despite everything, always remain cheerful, happy, proactive. It is not that these people do not feel pain or sadness, they are not numb, nor do they have idyllic, problem-free lives. “Simply”, they manage not to be overwhelmed by negative feelings and to enjoy the positive things in life.

Here are some characteristic behaviors of this type of people; habits that we can replicate and make ours too to live better, certainly happier.

They appreciate life

They are people who have learned to develop a sense of wonder about life by focusing on the beauty of every single thing. They are grateful for waking up every morning; they take the most out of every single day of their life, they never take anything for granted and they learn to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them, in many things, from the smallest to the largest, such as children.

They laugh a lot

They always laugh, they know that smiling has countless benefits on them. They don't take themselves or life too seriously; they take advantage of every opportunity to have a laugh. Why don't you take advantage of it? It can only do you good.

They are optimistic

They try to see the bright side of any situation. Even in situations that seem negative, they actually manage to identify at least one positive side: it can be the fact of learning something from a mistake, the opportunity to improve after an exam not passed, and so on. It can be hard to find, but according to them, the bright side always exists. Why don't you make an effort to find it yourself and always replace negative thoughts with positive ones?

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Are kind

They always respect other people, regardless of who they are, what they do, where they live etc. When they can, they help others, without wanting anything in return. They are generous and kind. Why don't you try with your kindness to change the day of those in front of you, making it better?

They don't stop learning

They are always up to date on things that affect both work and the passions of others. Why don't you try new things that pique your curiosity or things you've always wanted to do?

They love what they do

They understood that happiness is not doing what you love, but loving what you do. If your life is all about getting riches and being more powerful every day, I can assure you that you will never be able to find happiness.

They enjoy life

They know how to take the time to enjoy the beauties around them. They don't make work the center of their life, they understand that there is much more. They have learned to live in the present and to appreciate their surroundings. They are not trapped in the past nor are they trapped with their minds always in the future. They live day by day, moment by moment. Why don't you try to spend more time with the people you love or maybe take a hike in the middle of nature?

They choose friends wisely

They only surround themselves with positive people, who have similar values ​​to theirs and share their goals. Why don't you also try to make a selection with your friends?

They forgive

Energy givers know that holding a grudge only hurts themselves, it doesn't get us anything. They also know how to forgive themselves when they make a mistake, because they have understood that by learning from the mistake made it is possible to avoid repeating it. Why not start now to be less strict with yourself and others?

They have an attitude of gratitude

They have learned to be grateful for everything they have. They analyze their life, considering how many things they have to be grateful for: from home to work, from friends to family, and so on, even going through the mundane things. Why don't you try to focus on the good things instead of focusing on the bad ones?

They live healthy relationships

They live relationships in the name of mutual respect, trust, happiness and well-being of the couple. How do you live your relationship?

They don't judge others

They don't focus on the lives of others, on what they do or say. They don't judge. They know well that everyone has the right to live life as they see fit, including theirs.

They never give up

If they want to achieve something, be it small or large, they do everything to achieve it; they never give up. They create an action plan and take action .... and if they fail, they try again. They know that if they fall they can get up again. Why don't you try to set yourself a small goal?

via Loving nature

Loris Old

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