Why do Juventus insult Blanco? It has an old interview with him

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It is a hot day in mid-August, when the only concern seems to be the holidays in Mykonos or the last purchase in extremis of the transfer market. Instead there it is the storm, ready to uncover old Pandora's boxes to make a summer that has taken the rhythm of the usual routine a little more lively. To finish in the midst of controversy - or rather to insults - this time it is Blanco, for a reason that most people might miss.

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To lash out against the winning singer of Sanremo is a category of people in particular: i Juventus fans. But how come? Blanco - but this is well known - is an affectionate fan of Roma; however this never seems to have been a problem for his fans, even for those who do not share his footballing faith. It was that unleashed the hatred and anger of the Juventus fans an old interview, which initially went almost completely unnoticed.

Why do Juventus insult Blanco? It has an old interview with him
Photo: Bogdan Chilldays Plakov


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Blanco Juventus, the interview of discord

But let's take a step back: we are in February, Blanco has just won the Sanremo Festival and participates in the so-called "Proust Questionnaire", one series of tight questions di Vanity Fair to which the character must respond without thinking too much. The interview then becomes a video, published on the YouTube channel by the magazine and still visible to all. Just the answer to one of these questions, resumed five months later in a Instagram post of the Journal of Sport, unleashed the wrath of the bianconeri.

Faced with the question "A person you never wanted to be", in fact, Blanco replies without delay: "A Juventus player". And then he adds for a level playing field: “O della Roma”, and laughs. From that goliardic interview in February we arrive at today, 11 August, when the Instagram page of the Journal of Sport takes up this phrase by Blanco in a sticker that portrays him with the Roma shirt. At this point the web divides: on the one hand there are the anti-Juventus players, who share the post with words of appreciation for the singer; on the other there are the most loyal Juventus fans, which peremptorily admit "I will not listen to it again", or "Dear #Blanco personally, never heard a song of yours I confirm that I made the right choice".

In short, this matter - certainly not very relevant, if not goliardic - however teaches us once again that on the web nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. The words spoken in the new millennium will always end up resurfacing and haunting you, whatever their weight and gravity. In that video Blanco was obviously joking and probably withdrawing that statement of his is just a way to move the waters of gossip, and also of the world of sport. But surely the singer will have learned his lesson: be careful what you say!



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