Mondadori Store brings culture and entertainment to the homes of all readers

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The new “Your bookseller” service is coming: the Mondadori Store booksellers are available for reading advice
mondadori store oK

 Readings, advice and online events with writers and characters: even when the doors of the libraries are closed and the streets are deserted, Mondadori Store remains a socio-cultural garrison and reaches Italian families in their homes through its offer of books Entertainment, bringing readers, booksellers and authors closer together.

To be alongside its public, to offer moments of leisure and support in this new everyday life, the Mondadori Group network of bookstores has launched "Mondadori Stories": A daily schedule of content on Facebook Instagram that accompanies the readers from the morning, with the grown-ups incipits of novels, between classics and novelties, goodnight, with stories recommended by the little ones for the little ones, it involves fans with challenges themed and entertain the whole family thanks to institutional events, social with special guests.

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The week of dating on social networks of Mondadori Store begins with a look at the stars and good humor, every Monday morning with the literary horoscope, to continue with book presentations, readings and workshops aimed at parents and their children and teenagers, with expert advice to better face these days away from school. Artists and authors will also meet the public in videochat to answer all the questions and curiosities of users.

The new free telephone service for personal shopping is also coming to readers "Your bookseller”: A direct line with the Mondadori Store booksellers, available to customers to offer reading suggestions, advice tailored to your preferences and new ideas, with the possibility of buying and receiving the recommended title directly at home, for oneself or as a gift.

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All information will be available on the pages Facebook e Instagram by Mondadori Store.

Fiction, non-fiction, various, classics, comics and books for children and teenagers: on the site you can choose from over 1 million titles, along with music, movies, stationery, toys and e-Readers.


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