The habits of Mark Zuckerberg

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The young CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has accumulated a company assets of 547 billion dollars in just a few years, the result of ability, creativity, charisma and commitment to the highest degree.

Yet, while dedicating most of his time to the big company hi-tech of which he is the leader, Zuckerberg manages to organize himself to be with his family, to train and travel. How was this possible? Starting from some reliable sources, it was possible to describe a typical day of his, discovering that a series of well thought out habits replaced the commitment dedicated to non-essential issues to reconvert him in time spent to reinforce his strategic objectives.

This profound restructuring of the lifestyle introduces the theme - masterfully examined by Doctor Luca Mazzucchelli in the volume "Factor 1%, small habits for big results”- of how habits are created and strengthened, to become new modes of action.

In principle, in order for a behavior to be assumed and repeated over time, it is necessary that it contemplates three fundamental characteristics:

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  • must be adoptable with little effort, with relative simplicity;
  • must be attainable, as adequate to the possibilities of the individual;
  • must be addictive and as such it must be among the interests or curiosities because it must show the added value that the new habit will be able to bring to the lifestyle. 

For a behavior to turn into habit it is essential that it contains all three of these peculiarities, in the order indicated. If the process proves to be bumpy, it is necessary to work on the motivation, which is perhaps too weak and poorly connected to the objectives.

A fundamental role is then played by signals and the environment: these are fundamental to create or strengthen a habit that has not yet solidified. 

But, returning to Zuckerberg, let's go and discover the secrets of his time management to get inspired.


A day in the life of Mark Zuckerberg

At home, at 8 - not too much soon - the young CEO wakes up and checks the sites right away On-line to update on news in the technological and financial field; then, three times a week, he goes for a run accompanied by own dog why it's funny and "gives him joy". The company of a trusted friend makes physical activity enjoyable and this is certainly an element that helps this healthy habit to consolidate. 

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He then returns home and has breakfast, without spending time on the choice of food or on the clothing to wear, to free life from unnecessary questions. After that, Zuckerberg manages his time by dedicating it to four areas that are fundamental to him ...

  • Work. The young CEO works 50/60 hours a week thinking mainly about how to improve the management of the Facebook platform and delegating technical and administrative issues to the closest and most trusted collaborators. Particular attention, almost obsessive, is paid to the knowledge (also following continuous surveys) of the degree of trust that users reserve in your person, in the United States and in the rest of the world.
  • Free time. Despite his brilliant intelligence, Zuckerberg uses his little free time to further expand his mind by trying to learn. new skills and to enrich their cultural heritage. He reads many books, one every two weeks or so, and currently, having married a Chinese doctor, he devotes himself to the difficult study of Mandarin.
  • Do you travel. He does not travel only for professional needs but to broaden his vision of the world; he has been in all 50 American states and every year he visits new countries trying to meet the most interesting and profound personalities. In Italy, among others, he met the Pope and 16 among them startup more innovative.
  • The family. Despite the numerous commitments, Zuckerberg always tries to spend time with his family, the two girls and his wife with whom he shares, among other things, the values ​​of solidarity towards the weakest. As a member of the Giving Pledge and co-founder of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which he founded with his fellow student of Havard, he has dedicated much of his immense fortunes to charitable causes, both local and global. His lifestyle is modest and he is famous for driving relatively inexpensive cars,


Mark Zuckerberg's mind map

Zuckerberg mind map

Mind map of Ph. D. Dr. Elisabetta Galli 

This mind map effectively illustrates the habits by Mark Zuckerberg. Mind maps are based on scientific research carried out in the field oflearning and the memory. 


The principles of mind maps

  • Active learning and synthesis skills. Each concept learned is condensed into a few words (each on a branch), thus having to develop the ability to re-elaborate concepts during the learning phase (in fact I will have to distinguish between the concepts placed on the main branches and those on the sub-branches);
  • Radial structure of the map that takes up, in fact, the radial structure of our thought and differs from the linear one typical of traditional notes;
  • Strong use of colors: each branch can have different colors that possibly recall the same concept. For example: if I talk about the environment or sustainability, I will use green;
  • Use of images that are placed on the branches: this is the most "powerful" part. Pictures help to remember.


The strengths of mind maps

Mind maps reinforce learning and subsequent memorization because they give:

  • clarity;
  • overview;
  • and increase the ability to remember (by combining colors, images and words). 


How to read a mind map

  • the main branches (or parents) are read clockwise;
  • the secondary branches (or children) are read from top to bottom. 


If you wish, you can download Mark Zuckerberg's mind map in PDF format by clicking HERE!


Article by Ph. D. Dott. Elisabetta Galli - Business consulting and strategic training: EBL

Article The habits of Mark Zuckerberg seems to be the first of Milan psychologist.

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