Kate Middleton's diet: what to eat to have a "Duchess" physique

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Kate Middleton's diet has changed a lot (and more balanced) than when she followed the Dukan: here's what she eats to have perfect skin and silhouette

La Kate Middleton's diet it is very different from when, in view of the wedding, she was devoted to the Dukan.

Definitely more balanced, it starts from a large amount of vegetables and fruit, but provides the body with all the nutrients and energy it needs.

Not a few, considering that, in addition to doing a lot of sport net of nanny he still has three small children and numerous court commitments.

In short, Kate cares about her physical shape and her beauty, skin (in primis), and he assures them both by staying well be careful to eat well.

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Here what he eats for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. And which whim takes off in the evening.

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What Kate Middleton eats for breakfast

After the strong experience of the Dukan diet, Kate Middleton preferred to embrace a healthier, more balanced and varied diet.

A Room it always seems to consume one smoothie based on spirulina algae, kale cabbage, matcha, coriander, romaine lettuce, spinach and blueberries, according to an interview published in 2016 in the Daily Mail.

It is a centrifuged with strong detox properties which, when drunk regularly once a day, contributes to purify and deeply hydrate the body.

For the uninitiated, matcha is a highly prized concentrated green tea powder while spirulina is a type of seaweed considered a real superfood for its ultra-beneficial properties.

What Kate Middleton eats for lunch

lunch, Kate loves preparing herself very rich salads or bowls of fresh seasonal fruit.

It consumes a lot melon, gazpacho, goji berries and ceviche, which is why her skin is always so beautiful, toned and supple: her daily foods have a high content of water and mineral salts that rehydrate the body.

even the tabbouleh it often appears on its menu. It is an Arabic dish that consists of a 'salad based on bulgur, parsley, spring onions and mint with tomato and cucumber, all seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

In short, a organic diet ultra-rich in antioxidants which Middleton likes to make herself. He also apparently procures the ingredients himself, purchasing from the London store waitrose in which she is often paparazzi by photographers.

What does Kate Middleton eat as a snack

One of the secrets of its beauty is never skip the afternoon snack.

It has always had a snack and in recent times this has consisted of a nice one cup of almond milk to which he adds berries. For an afternoon refill of antioxidants really top.

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Sometimes it substitutes the breakfast smoothie for the afternoon snack, consuming almond milk with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and currants in the morning.

What Kate Middleton eats for dinner

With regard to the Dinner, Kate Middleton prefers to opt for i masterpiece of English cuisine, those traditional dishes perfect for the whole family and that she prepares together with the children.

Le soups they are the main dish, especially in cold seasons. But also in spring and summer the soups and vegetable purees they never fail to appeal, in the cold version gazpacho.

A cult for the family dinner is then William's favorite dish: roast chicken. Kate also loves him very much and fits perfectly into her healthy, balanced and anti-cholesterol diet.

Kate's main dish in the kitchen 

Despite her husband's favorite dish being roast chicken, what Kate loves most is actually the curry.

Il spicy dish typical of Indian cuisine has a very strong appeal on her and as soon as she can she does not fail to get in the kitchen for a concentrate of oriental spices. A real Spice Girl, in short!

The spices used to prepare curry are excellent for health, flavoring dishes without having to overdo it with salt (enemy number one). Plus a little bit of spicy never hurts, reactivating the circulation and causing the much loved effect of thermogenesis: increases body heat and burns more calories.

The vice that is allowed in the evening

All projects will be the Duchess of Cambridge likes to indulge a glass of white wine, as reported by the Daily Mail.

A little vice that does not sabotage his line at all since the diet that follows is so healthy and balanced.

It would be better to consume a glass of red a day but Kate's bright smile could be affected, so white is just fine.

The Dukan diet he followed in the past

Before marriage (and after the first pregnancy), Kate Middleton had undergone Pierre Dukan's diet, French doctor to whom we owe the famous (and criticized) diet of the same name.

A diet that provides four phases, the first two based on proteins only and then proteins mixed with vegetables for weight loss while the following two for maintenance.

As a very restrictive diet, it caused quite a bit of controversy until its creator was banned from the medical order in 2012.

Schematizing to the maximum the Dukan diet, phase 1 involves the exclusive consumption of pure proteins (lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, low-fat cheeses) with 60g of oat bran; The 2 phase It allows insert small quantities of vegetables to alternate with days based only on proteins; The 3 phase is the one in which fruit, vegetables and wholemeal bread are added (it's a starch meal 2 times a week) but once a week you should only consume pure protein.

La 4 phase lasts (in theory) forever and is that of final maintenance where you can go back to eating normally provided they wear out 60 g of oat bran per day, you feed on sun protein once a week and use the stairs instead of the elevator.

The post Kate Middleton's diet: what to eat to have a "Duchess" physique Appeared first on Grace.

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