Jessica Simpson rides on Instagram

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jessica simpson Jessica Simpson rides on Instagram

Photo: @ Instagram / Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson is a horsewoman on Instagram.

The singer, actress and entrepreneur enjoyed a ride with her family and wanted to show a souvenir photo on the social network. So here she is with a straw hat, a torn t-shirt and a pair of cowboy boots in caramel-colored leather as she poses smiling on her horse. Next to her the daughter Maxwell complete with a protective helmet on his head.

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In recent days, Jessica, who has struggled with the extra pounds gained during her three pregnancies in the past, revealed in an interview for the Today Show to have no longer own a scale.

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“I threw it away. I have no idea what my weight is at the moment. I just want to feel good and be able to close my pants. If I can't, then it means I have another size. I have every size. I did my best not to let the weight define me. "

Jessica explained that during her last pregnancy she received a lot of negative comments on the web due to her weight:

"I was ashamed of my body and I felt down, I was not comfortable with myself." explained "I couldn't understand what people expected from me."

The blonde went on to explain that, as a child, she always thought that God wanted her to use her voice. Initially he thought he had to sing, but now he has clearer ideas:

"I think He wants me to talk about being happy with yourself."

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