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Are we really willing to give up like this? We don't have enough of
genuflect helpless undergoing the unconditional surrender and oppression of a bunch of bullies who never miss an opportunity to humiliate us, make us feel small, useless?

1999 someone who claimed to be doing our interests handed us over to a dream… actually a nightmare called the EU.
Our inexorable descent into hell begins, the slow and relentless hourglass marks the loss of our sovereignty year after year, time passes and everything worsens inexorably, arriving at the disastrous year 2002 in which we say goodbye to our beloved coin, beautiful, glorious and strong, a beautiful woman that the whole world envies us, a babe named LIRA!

The ultimate pride that distinguished us as the fourth world economic power. With 100 of her in our pockets we were rich for a week and maybe more!

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Who allowed himself to be the judge and executioner of all this !?
Who decided this in place of a sovereign people?
Who claimed and perhaps still who hypocritically still maintains, that being part of the EU would have been only a huge advantage for us Italians?

The signs have long been clear, the EU's contemptuous considerations in ours for some time
comparisons were clear and crystalline but someone who decided and decides for us made us believe they were doing our best, ruthlessly denying the evidence of regression
moral, economic and social affecting our country year after year.

Today we find ourselves a ruling class that has not been chosen by the people but has received
a relay race from their predecessors peers, the same executioners they once condemned
without any remorse our beautiful country to become an unattended parking lot where anyone can come to claim their way of life, whether good or bad, and we can't do anything about it otherwise we are accused of racism or who knows what else! The words at first were beautiful, beautiful and we were manipulated into believing that being part of the EU was necessary for our survival!

In hindsight, thinking about what happened makes your blood run cold!
We find ourselves today not having a stable and powerful guide to defend us and represent us in the world as that great proud people that we have always been seen in the world! Those who govern us "without title" have long had the sole purpose of hiding the true "secret" agreements made without our knowledge with the great masters of Europe, allowing false friends to abuse and rape our beautiful Italy without ever raising a finger to defend it.

We are the greatest people on Earth! We just need to get our self-esteem back
and autonomy! Remind us who we are! Tracing our values ​​and our origins must be there
our priority to take back what has been subtly taken from us.

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Italy is the cradle of everything that has always been envied by our French and German neighbors, a people to whom we Italians have always given respect and esteem, always standing next to their sorrows and pains with our big heart, bringing comfort and help. but when instead we needed help and comfort, as in this time when a dangerous virus threatens the whole of humanity, we found ourselves enemies ready to act against us, demonstrating that we have a great envy of the great people that we are, an ancient and deeply rooted anger towards us Italians.

We have been defined and accused of being infectors of the planet in truth discovering that we have been hit by the virus by a citizen of the Nation who has discriminated against us by denying us any kind of help today.

Hey! Dear friends… do you know who you are lucky enough to have as your neighbors? !! You have the greatest
inventors of the history of mankind! The greatest lovers of style! Of the most sought-after beauty
in the world! The strongest athletes in existence! The most talented cooks, artists, travelers! The most generous and industrious when someone is in trouble! A people who have the honor of being able to boast of having the greatest medical researchers, health workers, scientists ready to die and leave loved ones to save just one life!

Who are the Italians? They are the same ones who will lend a hand always and in any case, even to the meanest and most parasitic of the last who will illusively want to feel like the first!

We will always remind you of it forever and ever!
We will be back!

Italy, the Italians… people of Navigators, Inventors, Artists.
Italy… cradle of the Holy Roman Empire which through the invention of roads
has always made known to all peoples of the earth style, good taste and
the importance of aesthetic beauty.
Precursors of fashions and trends.
We are! We are unique… inimitable… proud to be.

By Loris Old

Beautiful vision of a person representing the most beautiful nation in the world!

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