The most effective meditation exercises for sound sleep

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Do you find that you wake up in the morning more tired than when you went to bed? These exercises of meditation to sleep could be the solution. Sleep should be pleasant and restorative for everyone, but this is not always the case. What can be done then? Before deepening the speech ed learn the right exercises.

What does sleep meditation consist of?

La meditation to sleep is a practice that allows you to have a greater control over the activities of the mind, recreating a place where they reign peace and silence.
Thanks to sleep meditation, it is possible to produce a hormone that is very important for the quality of sleep, the melatonin. This substance is able to regulate the cycle sleep-wake.
By increasing the production of melatonin the normal sleep rhythm will also settle and rest will be deeper and of better quality.

Many make the mistake of thinking that the greater the hours of sleep, the greater will be probability of waking up rested. In reality, it is often not considered the qualità del sonno: you can also sleep less than usual, but the most important thing is how we will have rested during those hours.

Most of the people who complain difficulty falling asleep, spends entire nights tossing and turning in bed, keeping the mind busy with all possible thoughts; Thus ends up arriving in the morning much more tired than the night before.

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None of us live every day in the same way, so also the action of sleeping it will be conditioned by how we prepare to face it. If one day you return home happily ever after because you have been productive at work, or have received compliments, maybe the next day will be one of the worst in life.

For this reason, when you decide to go to bed, it is important to create a real ritual, and it is useless to deny it, but the mind plays the fundamental role. Here comes the meditation to sleep which can really help you turn.

meditation to sleep: the exercises© IStock

Meditation for sleep: here's how

Carve out a moment to dedicate to meditation to sleep it is essential if you have trouble getting a good rest. What we recommend is to experience total relaxation when you are already in bed, so just before falling asleep. Here are the steps to follow for benefit from the advantages of this technique.

1 - Choice and preparation of the place
The best choice will be the bed or the place where you know that you will then spend the whole night. If it helps, you can add some as well quiet music or the reproduction of the sounds of nature (waves of the sea or rustling of trees). An alternative could be to follow a guided meditation entry.

2 - Position of the body
Lie on your stomach, leave your arms well relaxed along your body. Bring it all attention and concentration on your body, without thinking about anything else. Stay focused on your body, breathing and heartbeat.

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3 - Breathing
Now close your eyes and regulates breathing. The advice is to take wide and regular breaths, it doesn't matter how many seconds, you have to be comfortable and find your rhythm without forcing anything. Don't forget the goal: you are trying to create the best possible conditions for your mind.

4 - Choosing a reference
At this point, take a few minutes to visualize in your mind a symbol, a figure, anything that you think represents peace. You have total freedom on this too.

5 - Exercise
After a preparatory part, now the real exercise begins: concentrate on every part of your body, starting from the head and slowly descend to the feet. Let go of the muscles, and feel the heaviness of your body. Focus on the tension that discharges from your body and slowly leaves you free and relaxed. Try to make yours last meditation until your body is completely relaxed and can finally fall asleep.


meditation for sleep: benefits© IStock

The main benefits of meditation for sleep

By following the steps that we reported in the previous paragraph and above all by trying to be constant, you can obtain with this technique a state of deep relaxation, as well as stimulating the production of the hormone that regulates sleep: melatonin.

If before going to bed we are used to watching TV, consulting the mobile phone, etc ... we must consider that these are all harmful actions for a good rest. Find out more in our article: I can not sleep.
But specifically, what are the advantages and benefits of sleeping well? Here are the main ones.

  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Increase memory and concentration
  • Have a longer life expectancy
  • Relieve stress
  • Avoid hormonal problems
  • Increase your performance in sports performance

By following this procedure as calmly as possible and trying to get rid of negative thoughts, through the simple breath, meditation to sleep it will take effect, finally leading you to spend a restful night's sleep.

What else can you do for facilitate sleep? There are a series of small daily actions that can prove to be fundamental in the evening to reconcile rest.

  • adequate physical activity (yoga is particularly recommended)
  • a hot shower before bed
  • a light meal in the evening, avoiding the consumption of hard-to-digest foods

In any case, the breathing remains the key to a peaceful sleep: learning to control it can really solve many problems related to good rest.


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Article source Alfeminile

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