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True vampires remain and master in our life. They move undisturbed disguised as positive, upright people, givers of good advice. In reality they are a catalyst of negativity and misfortune and we can understand it because since they become part of our life there is no good one, one misfortune after another. They immediately seem loving people. They make us believe that they are unique and indispensable for anyone and above all for us and for our existence, for our journey, for our growth which according to them up to that moment was a failure.

They make wise use of religious beliefs in all their forms. There seem to be no priests and priestesses but in reality they are charismatic plagiarists of sects. They start to mind that they feel and see negative entities hovering around our life. In truth the only "plague" are them! They know and use communication techniques wisely and use them to manipulate and capture trust but then they do quite the opposite of what they preach.

They dispense

good news and parables are like poisoned candies, overturning their meaning and using them for their own ends to manipulate and gain control over the lives of others. Their focus is on the enjoyment of the victim's full control that has entered their vast collection. They proclaim the concepts of good social values ​​and always with shrewd strategy lavish attention. They know how to show they are full of feelings but they lie, always and in any case.

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born and more forger than a "monopoly" banknote, they are so with extreme ease. They lie in front of full-blown evidence and also about things that no one would think of lying as it would not bring any benefit. They enjoy doing it, it gives them an almost physical pleasure in having total control over the interlocutor. If there were the Olympics of the "balla" they would be winning athletes without rivals and without the use of doping!


without realizing it. Since childhood they have lived their own parallel reality in the complete delusion of omnipotence. They feel superior to anyone, they believe they have unique qualities and it is not uncommon to hear them raving about the gifts of divination and premonitions given by superior entities. These beliefs make them tormented and dissatisfied because they feel not understood as they would like. They never find the partner on their level. For them the world is full of stupid abusive presences to be subjected to their manipulations, their skilful plagiarism. They see and believe that others are parasites to be eradicated and of these is the same victim who also deserves to be punished and corrected through their useful and purifying tortures.

It is very likely

that at this moment the monster is reading this article and is recognizing this characteristics in who knows what his knowledge except in himself! Absolutely you don't know, you don't see each other, you can't! Because vampires don't reflect their own image in mirrors!


to be men but also women. They are beings who in the early days appear in our life as loving figures. They make us believe and exult with joy for the luck we had to meet them, the dream of our life. They appear to us in the guise of husbands, wives, partners, friends, boyfriends, parents, colleagues or employers.

They recognize each other because they are super active in life, they make a thousand in an hour, full of interests that make us believe they are stillborn but then discover that they do not complete anything!

They cover

roles of relevance and importance in society. Often they have professions with a successful image that is hardly in contrast with their real "I" which is very well concealed and built over years of meticulous work.

In reality, we soon realize that something does not convince us. They have a dark side that we don't perceive with a devastated life. Overwhelmed by a mountain of problems and enormous difficulties in every field. Soon we begin to understand that they have no qualification to dispense the slightest advice to anyone! But by now it is too late the damage is taking place. They preach well but scratch very badly and for them it is allowed to do exactly the opposite of what they preach and impose! And you can be sure that they do and will continue to do it behind our backs.

They are keen to show that they are God-fearing. Good at social altruistic tasks, always ready to help others or to give charity. It is all designed at the table to gain confidence and lower their guard in those who are waking up from their hypnotic power and feel that something is wrong. Always at work to throw smoke in the eyes because they know that despite their gigantic efforts it is only a matter of time but sooner or later they will be unmasked.

They struggle

up to the extreme of physical and mental energies to give a good initial impression of himself. They take care of every detail and amaze with their extreme and unique gestures, with their original behaviors ranging from sex if they are new partners and astonishing and theatrical surprises in general.

With such constancy they build an image of themselves in society in appearance as clean and neat as a white sheet but in reality this is continually washed in order to eliminate the blood stains of the victim on duty that they have vampirized.

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A reputation that they have built over the years and that allows them to act in the dark undisturbed and stealthy in search of souls then used as food. When discovered they tremble at the thought that the victim will expose them and ruin their false reputation. This is why they suddenly disappear for short or long periods to calm the waters ... But don't be fooled, they come back, they always come back even after twenty years to check how we are going and try to put the things back on their feet. their torments. Because for them we are a toy of their own to have fun with when they feel like it, nothing more!


who feed on our empathy, our Love, our sensitivity, our spirituality, our moral values, our professional successes, diminishing them and giving themselves credit. Unbeknownst to us, they suck our vital energy which they did not have of nature and which they cannot prove except through acting, fiction. They are actors born like Hollywood stars but have dark and parallel lives. I am light years away from the vision they give of them to others.

They are completely devoid of conscience, modesty and empathy. Those who suffer or are sensitive consider him a weak person who must be punished and deserves to be harassed by their perverse oppression. Once the victim has been emptied of his life, they leave her in agony to move on to the next one who in the meantime have already been dating in the shadows for some time.

They are inveterate traitors and collectors of multiple and parallel relationships and they are idolaters of promiscuity without rules and precautions then as in the most beautiful songs they go to the bar to brag with friends (similar to them) about their misdeeds or in the case of a female vampire they involve friends for big laughs behind the sheep on duty.

They poison us slowly over time with their devious and false world, with their mask that they will wear for life.

They don't know how to love

but they know how to simulate very well but pay attention only on the surface. They are good at creating emptiness and isolation around their victims in order to initiate a process of emotional dependence. They begin to insinuate that every friendship is wrong, has something negative or the relatives themselves are plotting against it and that therefore their protection is as essential as the mafia does when it asks for protection money. Accepting their game means paying a lot, very dearly!

They make believe that this help is indispensable and precious, it comes from the heart and you must be grateful for it and on this mechanism they create the "debt" of guilt (another topic that we will deal with) on their constant and altruistic hyper vigilance made in the name of the immense (false ) Love and absolute good.

Over time they trigger a sense of inadequacy, low self-esteem making the favorite a zombie in command and dominated by vampire power. They are the so-called and very good psycho-emotional manipulators, expert directors of persuasive control. From here a nefarious and constant escalation of psychological denigration is triggered, creating an emptiness and a loneliness with emotional peaks of ups and downs. This quickly leads the vampire to depression and it all happens after an intense period of calling strategy love bombing.

The vampires

they hide behind brilliant, charming personalities, witty but actually highly disturbed minds that modern psychology identifies in behavioral pathologies in the profiles of perverse narcissists, the histrionic narcissists, the bipolar, the borderline.

They are executioners sometimes unaware of their ailments but sometimes aware and proud of it. We have to be careful of these monsters because we may have one very close to us and which has been slowly killing us for years. They perpetrate a violence that is not only physical sometimes resulting in atrocious crimes but often and above all psychological when the vampire is instead a woman because I repeat they can be both men and women. Recognizing them is necessary because it gives us the opportunity to discover the malaise that has gripped us for years if we are living next to the monster. Knowledge will give us the tools to defend ourselves from evil.

This article will open a column to deepen over time the awareness of these negative presences that hover and move in our environments, in our lives and that plunder our vital energies, our hopes, our future.

We begin to recognize them to defend ourselves. We invite you to comment and tell your experiences below also anonymously, by sharing we will help out of a nightmare those who are in a passive situation and are slowly dying or in danger of life. Your experience, your interest, your opinion can be of help to those who have been invited to the vampire's castle and no longer know how to escape, save themselves.

Author: Loris Old

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