Playing is good! 6 benefits of playing for the little ones

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The game is one very important dimension for growing children. In addition to helping them confide and have fun, it is in fact able to guarantee them a series of greats physical and psychological benefits which will help to form a curious, intelligent and inventive little adult. Let it be a outdoor play, board games, group games, the playful dimension brings with it unbeatable advantages of indisputable educational value, teaching discipline, respect for the rules and opponents and stimulating the aptitude for reasoning, curiosity and imagination, especially when it comes to games to be created and invented from scratch, just like the ones we offer in the following video.

In short, now that we have ascertained that playing is good, let's see specifically i 6 main benefits of the game for the little ones!

1. Develop interests and inclinations, starting to form the personality

Play is perhaps the first channel through which the little ones have the opportunity to explore new things and affirming tastes, inclinations and interests. Not only that, with the game you begin to manifest and outline your own personality and your own nature, beginning to make itself known in all senses. There are indeed more introverted children or shy others who are more sociable and exuberant, and each of them will begin to express their temperament through the games and recreational activities to which they feel most attracted. It is therefore important listen to the little ones also during this phase to get to know them better and immediately glimpse inclinations and tastes that could then be more cultivated in the future.

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2. It allows the child to let off steam, improving his behavior

The game is also a key time to bring some equilibrium in the life of the little ones. That's right, without the time to confide and engaging in playful activities, the child may feel too much pressure, manifesting nervousness, fatigue and frustration. The game therefore also serves to allow him to recharge and give free rein to his creativity, forgetting for a while the small obligations and commitments that even the life of a growing child imposes.

This will then allow the baby to be more diligent, reply with more attention e concentration to the various activities that his day imposes on him and to do less whims, to the great happiness of mum and dad. Not only that, he will learn the importance of moments off and free time, making it easier for him to cultivate interests and hobbies that can enrich his life in the future.

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3. Stimulates imagination and creativity

Needless to say, the game is crucial in the early stages of growth for forming a personality full of inventiveness and creativity. Let your child play with everything that comes under fire from cards to bottle caps, do not reserve him only the games children of modernity, video games or the classic games on phones and iPads; let him rediscover the flavor of creating things and objects from nothing, manufacturing, painting and inventing new worlds. All this is stimulating at exponenational levels curiosity and imagination, starting it immediately towards a way of reading and interpreting reality full of originality and anything but obvious and conventional.

4. Teach respect for the rules and team play

The game then teaches the children order, discipline and respect for the rules and opponents. Not only that, it allows them to know the pleasure to work as a team, complicity, the sense of belonging, strengthening i interpersonal relationships and making them less shy and more inclined to sociability.

A child who can interact e make new friends more easily will undoubtedly be a calmer adult, confident and aware, all fundamental qualities to guarantee a fulfilling and happy personal life and relationships.

5. Promotes movement

Playing then allows the little ones to run, ask movement and engage in a more physical type of activity. And in a world like today's, where you often spend the whole day sitting in front of an iPad or the TV, this aspect is even more precious and fundamental. Playing therefore also guarantees priceless physical benefits, making the little ones discover the pleasure of running, moving the body, creating things with your hands, thus recovering the importance of a whole more physical and sensory part, often forgotten that it still holds extreme potential and opportunities for growth and, why not, stimulate the appetite.

6. Promote learning

Playing also helps stimulate learning, the aptitude for thinking and reasoning and guaranteeing a greater wealth of knowledge. It goes without saying that children who enjoy playing show a more alert and attentive character, they are more curious and they learn faster. In short, a continuous virtuous circle that contributes to forming a adult future full of excellent qualities, interests and desire to know.

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