Francesca Cipriani, the great absentees at her wedding: from Alfonso Signorini to Barbara D'Urso

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Francesca Cipriani wedding

The gossip goes crazy in the last few hours thanks to the news of the wedding of Frances Cipriani. The eccentric showgirl has in fact crowned her dream of love with her boyfriend Alessandro rossi, in front of an audience of relatives and VIP friends. The happy event was witnessed through the social pages - and Instagram stories - of those present at the ceremony in which everyone, or almost everyone, was present. Giucas Casella, Alex Belli and Delia Duran, Alessandro Basciano e Sophie Codegoni, Manila Nazzaro, the Selassie sisters are just some of the names on the long list of VIPs present at the wedding, but the public did not miss the great absences.

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Francesca Cipriani marriage also absent Bortuzzo and Ricciarelli

Amedeo Venza underlined, via social media, the absence of Manuel Bortuzzo e Katia Ricciarelli who should have taken part in the ceremony but who, at the end, seem to have withdrawn. However, as reported by Venza, there would be reasons: Bortuzzo would have liked to avoid further gossip on his behalf, given the presence of his Ex Girlfriend, while Ricciarelli, who was supposed to perform in church, "pulled the pack" due to a problem with the voice. But one lack has made more noise than the others: that of Alfonso Signorini.

MYSS KETA and Manila Nazzaro
MYSS KETA and Manila Nazzaro at Francesca Cipriani's wedding – Photo: Instagram

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Francesca Cipriani wedding guests: why Signorini and D'Urso weren't there?

Also according to what is reported in the Instagram stories by Amedeo Venza, Alfonso Signorini should have even been the testimone wedding of Cipriani together with her sister Elena, but there was no trace of him. An absence that prompted the showgirl to choose Giucas Casella as a witness. Another great absent was Barbara D'Urso, great TV friend of Francesca Cipriani, who has always been one of the favorite guests in her living rooms. Who knows what are the real reasons behind the absence of these two titans of TV?

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