What if we were ruled by narcissists?

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For some time now we have been hearing about them everywhere, those who have had to deal with these "creatures" have made a clear and precise consideration of who they are, of how good they are to blend in with normal people and show themselves as philanthropists, great religious devotees , full of good intentions are actually quite the opposite of what they are able to show externally and male or female that they are does not matter as they are equally lethal and dangerous.

They are capable of infiltrating any environment and the more the environment is conducive to giving them food than nurturing and sadistic behaviors of altered dominance and protagonism, the more they give their best! The goal is clear, to have power and success to satisfy the primal instincts, at any cost and without hesitation.

Their arrogance and their ways of doing things originate from a personality devoid of any kind of empathy and affective disposition and this allows them to have considerable advantages over others and society; being unscrupulous individuals it is very easy for them to climb to the top of success in environments where power is exercised and therefore we often recognize them to hold roles of significant importance for the community.

The world of politics is a perfect hotbed in which to demonstrate their prevaricating and manipulative arrogance, arts that are addressed in this case not to individuals (as happens in interpersonal relationships when dealing with them) but to the domination of entire masses. of individuals and this gives them a huge sense of power that multiplies their huge super ego.

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The life of these figures is always the same for everyone, based on the same simple but indispensable ingredients: dominated subject (victim), dominant subject (them).

Obsessed with protagonism without which they would lack the meaning of life.

Despite their enormous efforts to show a positive self-image, selfless, dedicated to solving the problems of others, however, they have to their disadvantage all the same defects that punctually (it's only a matter of time) bring them into the open.

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What are the defects to recognize them? They are the same as the serial killers who sooner or later get caught: presumption and arrogance (they feel above everything and everyone), overcoming limits (the rules apply to everyone but not for them), challenge (they believe they are more intelligent of whom they face).

The real problem arises when we find them at the head of governments or holding important fundamental roles for the survival of the people themselves! Maybe in difficult moments like the one where the protagonist is the "coronavirus" now identified with the name and surname "covid-19" in which these individuals, instead of becoming part of a solution, become part of the problem.

Individuals "narcissists" who, taken by their irrepressible instincts which by default they cannot escape, risking being discovered (as described above), give priority to their desire to be protagonist by using all communication channels to show their "self grandiose ", manipulating the masses to their liking and, instead of exercising their roles of power to help, they use a state of crisis as an opportunity for profit and direct or indirect personal parallel interests, feeding even more anxieties, fears and despair in the people and, as history teaches us, recreating very dangerous social tensions.

In whatever role this nefarious figure is recognized, whether it is a personal role identified in a partner, spouse, friend, parent, colleague or employer or who is a figure operating in an important role in the community as a ruler, he remains a symbolic figure of all that represents the meaning of "negative".

From this meaning, the possible consequences that arise from any form of relationship with these figures are well understood, just think that the behavior that is the common prerogative of narcissists is "betrayal", always and in any case betraying expectations in all ways. of anyone who has placed any kind of trust in them; we remember the most famous traitor in the history of humanity who with a kiss sentenced to death the Man from whom he had received all the trust and absolute good, handing him into the hands of those who would crucify him.

The "betrayal" is the synthesis of all the evils of humanity and this synthesis can be found in the main traits of narcissists which unmistakably can be attributed to past and present rulers.

The kiss of Judas from the film "The Passion"

By Loris Old

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