Abdominal pain without period: the possible causes

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La premenstrual syndrome brings various ailments to women who suffer from it. First, they occur at the mood level, with a constant feeling of anxiety, sadness and exhaustion. Then, they also manifest themselves on a physical level with difficulty in digestion, but above all with strong twinges in the abdominal area, or the fateful "cramps". However, although abdominal pain has become the wake-up call for menstruation or the first few days of your period, it may also have resulted from other causes.

Anyone who believes that only women have the misfortune of abdominal pain is wrong. Menstruation is not always the cause of abdominal pain, given that even men can have them, in different intensity. For example, theappendicitis or bladder stones cause roughly the same symptoms as PMS at the level of stomach cramps and abdominal pains.

In reality, however, this disorder remains more common for women: menstruation or menstrual pain, endometriosis or also pregnancies outside the womb and all sorts of other causes can cause women to suffer from really severe and sometimes unbearable abdominal pain. To help you understand the origin of abdominal pain, we explain here the possible causes.

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In general, abdominal pain is not always a cause for concern, but keep an eye on your body, above all if abdominal pain is accompanied by other complaints. The pains that appear suddenly should in any case arouse some suspicion e push to investigate the cause, because they could be a sign of a broader problem.

Possible causes of abdominal pain without menstruation:

  • Hymenal atresia (in girls)
  • Vaginal atresia (in girls)
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries
  • Prolapse of the uterus
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine myoma
  • Cystitis
  • Pregnancy outside the womb
  • Appendicitis
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Inflammation of the renal pelvis
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Abdominal pain without menstruation: cause in the digestive tract

La digestion it can also be the cause of abdominal pain. Then it may be useful to switch to one light diet to relieve the stomach and intestines. If abdominal pain occurs more frequently after eating, it may be due to food intolerance or one chronic intestinal disease. To determine this, the symptoms that occur should be discussed with a medical health insurance company.

Abdominal pain without menstruation: appendicitis

In the case of appendicitis, the pain initially localizes to the center of the abdomen and migrates downwards right abdomen within a few hours. The only remedy in this case is to go to the hospital - the inflamed appendix must be removed quickly.

Other symptoms of appendicitis are:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Threw up
  • Temperature
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea or even constipation

Note for pregnant women: due to pregnancy, pain that otherwise occurs on the right side of the lower abdomen may be displaced e be somewhere else.

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Abdominal pain without menstruation: prolapse of the uterus

Pain in the abdomen can also come from the uterus. In women in menopause, prolapse of the uterus can often be a cause of pain in the lower abdomen. This causes that the organ is lowered in the small pelvis, which can lead to pulling pains. Often the pain is also felt in the lower back.

also the mothers who have just given birth a baby may have abdominal pain without menstruation due to the prolapse of the uterus.

Abdominal pain without menstruation: uterine myoma

Il myoma it can also be a cause of abdominal pain. These can occur between 35 and 50 years old of age in women. Myomas are benign tumors which can grow into the tissue of the uterus. If they are very large, the tumors can also press on other organs and become uncomfortably obvious.

Abdominal pain without menstruation: endometriosis

Endometriosis can also be responsible for severe abdominal pain in women. In this case, the lining of the uterus grows not only in the uterine cavity, but also outside the uterus. Severe pain during menstruation is typical. However, pain can also occur at a different time in the menstrual cycle. Often not only the lower abdomen, but the back also hurts.

Here you can find out more aboutendometriosis.

Abdominal pain without menstruation: cystitis

You have stinging and cramping pains, similar to severe menstrual pain, and more it burns you when you urinate? All this could be explained by an inflammation of the bladder, as a trigger of abdominal pain. Again, the only solution is to go to your doctor and investigate the situation.

Important Note: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and they are not intended to replace a diagnosis made by a doctor. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints, you should contact a specialist.

For more information on abdominal pain, see the website of Humanitas.

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