How to quit drinking: 10 reasons to start right away

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If you noticed that alcohol has taken over your life, the time has come to do something to stop drinking immediately. The damage of alcohol on the body there are many more than we are used to hearing. In this article we will try to investigate this delicate question. First of all though, we want to leave you with a video with the 7 tips to fight aging: the first is to stop drinking!

10 reasons why quitting drinking is important

In Italy the vast majority of the population declares to habitually drink alcohol and among these there is a large slice of the population that already is addicted to alcohol, in some cases without even realizing it. The damage that alcohol brings to the body there are so many that we prefer not to list them, also because it would be impossible, which is why we prefer to concentrate on results you can get if you decide to stop drinking. What happens to your body when you finally say stop drinking?

1 - The immune system is strengthened: the first damages of alcohol are related to the immune system, in fact alcoholics and people who drink a lot are likely to get sick much more often.
2 - It decreases the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases and tumors: heavy drinkers are much more likely than others to contract cardiovascular disease or cancer (especially of the liver).
3 - The life outlook is extended: if you manage to stop drinking, you will have a longer and above all rosy life expectancy, as it will decrease the risk of disease.
4 - Sleep and rest in general improve: those who drink often and willingly find it hard to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth and a headache. By interrupting sleep so frequently, you will be more tired in the morning than when you went to bed.
5 - You will have the right appetite and you will not binge anymore: alcohol creates a vicious circle in the body that leads to the need for more and more food. If you stop, you will see that the nervous hunger will disappear.

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6 - You will return to your ideal weight: the calories of alcohol are not to be underestimated, even the most innocent of cocktails will actually be very caloric and difficult for the body to digest.
7 - It will improve memory: drinking a lot can lead to memory problems due to a real shrinking of the brain.
8 - You will be happy: when you stop drinking it also improves your mood, you will feel happy and smile again!
9 - You will have beautiful skin: alcohol dehydrates the skin which will immediately appear duller and full of marks. Only by avoiding alcohol will you be able to admire beautiful, radiant and healthy skin!
10 - If you are looking to have a child, you will be facilitated: in both men and women, alcohol inhibits fertility and therefore if you are trying to have a child, but you do not stop drinking, it will be very difficult for you to become a mom or dad.

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How to quit drinking and stay sober

We know very well that quitting drinking isn't easy at all and above all it is not done overnight. The habitual consumption of alcohol leads to an addiction that results in alcoholism, a disease with serious effects on the person. So how to stop drinking? It is a long and winding path, that's why we have collected a series of tips to put into practice to stay away from alcohol. Take notes!

  • Cut back on alcohol and increase water

It may seem like a trivial piece of advice, but you can't think of completely eliminating alcohol overnight. What to do then? Reduce the amount, and increase the amount of water to drink each day.

  • Focus on food as an ally

Food is your best ally as it helps the body absorb and dispose of ingested alcoholic substances. Our advice is first of all, to always eat something before drinking; moreover, if you have taken the path to permanently abandon alcohol, try to avoid recipes that may contain them (example: some sweets soaked in luquore).

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  • Don't try to avoid situations where you know there will be alcohol at all costs

This is one of the most wrong things, because trying to escape from the enemy (in this case alcohol), you will only be attracted to it. Eventually you may not go to an event, but you will end up having a drink at home.

  • Change your routine

If you know that after the office you will go to the bar on time for one (but also two or three) drinks, try to make a commitment that avoids this wrong behavior. An idea? Go to the gym! Physical movement helps to distract and relax the mind.

  • Use the piggy bank method

Whenever you are tempted to go out to drink or buy alcohol, take the money you would have spent on this unhealthy habit and put it in a piggy bank. You will be amazed when you see how much money you have been able to save by simply eliminating a harmful habit.

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Other effective ways to quit drinking

  • Write them all down in a notebook the reasons why it is better to stop drinking rather than continuing to harm yourself. Every so often, especially when you feel that you lack motivation, re-read them.
  • Don't repress emotions and feelings: if you feel like crying, go ahead and cry. If you want to scream or let off steam, this can only be good for your body and mind.
  • Choose an important date to quit drinking, so that by associating it with more positive things, you increase willpower and help you on your path.
  • Don't be discouraged and don't get overwhelmed by guilt. If you've given in to the urge to drink, don't blame yourself, don't scold yourself. Just take note of the event, maybe mark it on a calendar, and you'll see it won't happen again.
  • start attend a meditation class it can be a good idea to relax and reflect on all the reasons that often make us fall into temptation and lead us on the road to alcohol.
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How to stop drinking: ask for help

Not everyone is able, with willpower alone, to really leave alcohol behind. If you feel you can't do it on your own, ask for help. This is also progress for abandon the path of addiction and get closer to an alcohol-free life.

Talk to your doctor, especially for manage withdrawal symptoms from alcohol that are absolutely not to be underestimated. Only Your doctor will be able to decide whether to take medications to help you stop drinking. Recent advances in medicine can be a valuable aid to solve the problem of alcoholism.

Try to talk about yours alcoholism problem even with a family member, friend or partner: it is an important step. Whether you like it or not, few people achieve sobriety in solitude, and even less those who manage to keep it. Don't feel inadequate to share what you are going through with the people you love.

Consider joining a group such as Alcoholics Anonymous. This type of therapy may not be suitable for everyone, you have to try and see if for your specific case it is really effective. If it doesn't, don't blame yourself. You can stop drinking and forget about alcohol in other ways too.

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Final tips to say goodbye to alcohol once and for all

One of the first mistakes you make when entering the alcoholism tunnel, is do not inquire to understand all the damage that alcohol will soon inflict on your body. You will be surprised by the ailments you can suffer, years before experiencing symptoms. In almost all cases, the damage is irreversible. The best you can achieve is to stop the damage progression. Change your diet, check your weight, seek medical help, and most importantly, stop drinking as soon as possibleYou will feel stronger, healthier, smarter, happier and above all you can really enjoy life to the fullest. There are many diseases and complications related to an unhealthy liver. Take the time to inform yourself and read articles and studies. Reading them even once can give you great motivation to stay sober. The longer you drink the more the damage will be severe. Fear can act as a deterrent e you should use it to your advantage to understand how stupid you were to start drinking.
You will soon realize that alcohol dominates your life, but it can stop if you stop it.

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If you are far-sighted, you will know well that giving up a (false) pleasure like getting drunk, in favor of a real benefit (health, better relationships, or a clear conscience), is the easiest path to take, and in the end, it will be really worth it!
A simple trick: keep some chocolate on hand. When a drinker tries to quit he will often crave chocolate. It releases endorphins and will help you reduce the craving for alcohol.
Alcohol not only harms you but also those around you. Try to think about who and what is most important to you. Imagine how alcohol would destroy it. Remember: losing a habit doesn't have to become a habit.

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