8 foods that help children concentrate and remember!

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THEfeeding children it is a fundamental aspect to keep under control to ensure healthy growth and to teach them from an early age a eat well and with awareness. Getting them used to choosing what to eat is in fact a gift we can give them, putting precious teachings in their hands that will help them grow in a healthier and more conscious way.

There are in fact some foods that it is good to consume consistently and integrate as much as possible into the daily diet of the little ones, and not only; among these there are also healthy and tasty foods, particularly suitable for helping memory and concentration, two fundamental aspects for children dealing with daily school commitments and afternoon activities including homework, games and sports.

But what are these foods? Below we suggest you 8!

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1. Dark chocolate

Our children will be happy to know that the dark chocolate it is a food of multiple property. Taking one square a day guarantees positive effects on ours psychological well-being and that of the little ones. In fact, chocolate increases endorphin and serotonin levels, the famous hormone of good mood, on which they also depend the memory e concentration.

Hire it a snack, during the morning break or as a snack to break hunger in the mid-afternoon, perhaps accompanied by a preferably wholemeal piece of bread, is a great way to integrate it consistently.

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2. The rolled oats

Rolled oats are a great food in this case, as they keep a long time good energy level, essential for stimulating memory and ensuring greater ability to concentrate. This is why they are ideal as a breakfast food.

Prepare a nice one cup of oat flakes together with fresh and dried fruit: you will guarantee your child a healthy and tasty breakfast that will allow him to face the morning in the best possible way.

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3. The eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, able to stimulate and protect the cognitive function of the brain, thus having a positive impact on memory and the ability to concentrate. In addition, eggs contain the hill, a compound that helps maintain healthy brain cell membranes.

Perfect with the salmon andavocado, Other foods rich in omega-3s, the eggs must however be consumed in moderation.

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4. The salmon

As anticipated, the salmon it is another friendly food for memory and concentration. Rich in omega 3, it helps to rebuild the cells of the brain and strengthen its synpases, related to memory.

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In general, it would be good to adequately integrate fish in the nutrition of the little ones, because it is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and of the cognitive functions. For both lunch and dinner, it turns out to be a ideal second course to ensure the right nutritional intake, keeping fresh and light. If you are looking for ideas, here you can find 5 delicious recipes for children to eat fish!

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5. Apples

Le apples they have always been the healthy food par excellence, indicated, among other things, to improve concentration, memory and performance.

Perhaps not everyone knows that even the peel has a decisive role, as it is rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant able to intervene on the improvement of brain functions, and in particular on the the memory.

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An excellent idea to offer them in a new and more inviting form is the recipe that we suggest in the following video!

6. The red fruits

Blueberries, raspberries, more, currants are all a real panacea for the proper functioning of the brain and memory in particular. In addition to being rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, reduce the level of toxins in the bloodstream, thereby improving neurological activity and acting effectively on mental clarity.

Great as a snack for the morning or afternoon, they are also ideal taken in the form of juices, as long as they contain 100% fruit and are almost sugar-free.

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7. Spinach

Fundamental to staying strong e guarantee mental clarity and energy, spinach contains lutein, folic acid and beta-carotene, all essential nutrients for the correct functioning of neurological activity.

Try to get your kids to eat a portion of spinach at least three times a week. You can also offer them in the form of vellutata, perhaps combined with other green leafy vegetables, or inside savory pies for a tastier but still healthy and light dish.

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8. Bananas

Banana is an excellent snack, rich in fructose, useful for maintaining high i energy levels, e potassium, essential mineral to guarantee the perfect functioning of brain and cognitive activities.

Since this is not a very light fruit, it would be good take it preferably in the morning or in the early afternoon, avoiding it in the evening hours, just before going to bed. Also perfect like fruit to be integrated in breakfast, together with oat flakes and red fruits for an energetic mix full of taste but always light.

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