5 foods that grandmothers ate that would do us a lot of good to eat now

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From free-range eggs to apricots. Here are the foods that are good for your health and that help you stay strong and fit

I foods that are good for your health they are not necessarily the sought after and fashionistas super food. Sure, some are actually full of property precious, but at the basis of anutrition that keeps us healthy, fit and strong there are much simpler foods.

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Among the foods our grandmothers ate when they were young on the other hand there were no exotic foods but not even snacks, snacks and pre-cooked dishes. Once upon a time at the table they favored recipes rigorously prepared with Fresh and seasonal ingredients.

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Give priority to the seasonality of the products at the table it is still one of the most frequent advice of nutrition experts for today stay fit and healthy. The reason is simple. Respect seasonality in the daily menus allows you to fill up on nutrients your body needs in every season of the year.

Another precious piece of advice that comes from the past is to bring to the table vegetables obtained from small local productions which today we call “zero kilometer”.  

But what are the foods that grandmothers ate when they were young and that would do great good even now?

Here are 5 foods that are good for health and shape.

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Chicken eggs
raised on the ground

Le eggs I am a source of complete proteins valuable for muscles. They then ensure essential fatty acids. Among these stand out i precious Omega 3, allies of brain health.

They then have one good satiating capacity. Proteins and essential fatty acids slow down the absorption of sugars and help counter sudden hunger pangs.

Lattuga verdura


La lettuce ensures a mix of substances that are allies of health and shape.

Make precious minerals for the proper functioning of the body. It contains in particular high amounts of potassium e magnesium, allies of the heart, circulation and arteries.

Lettuce is also a good source of Vitamin C. This vitamin has excellent antioxidant action. Helps fight free radicals, responsible for cellular aging.



Tomatoes are one source of carotenoids, in particular of lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant that it helps to reduce the levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood.

They are good not only raw, but also cooked with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. The heat and the good fats contained in the extra virgin olive oil increase the concentration of lycopene and favor its absorption by the body.

noci mele


Red, green, yellow. Apples are rich in water and substances allied to intestinal health. I'm source of soluble fiber. Among these stands out the pectin which has prebiotic properties.

It feeds the good bacteria that populate the intestines.

Apples are also rich in flavonoids, in particular catechins e quercetin, which protect against free radicals and cardiovascular diseases.

albicocche frutta


I am a source of Vitamin A e carotenoids, allies of the beauty of the skin.

They then deliver Vitamin C, essential for collagen production, a protein that helps keep skin and bones healthy.

They then have good amounts of potassium e flavonoids, which promote proper blood circulation.

Photo Credits: Unsplash

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